In life and in general, everything is perception. Whether we like it or not, our unconscious judgment on what we see or hear about is made from the very first seconds. This is the famous "first impression".
That's why perception is at the heart of marketing strategy. As image experts, we felt it was important to devote an article to this subject to explain how to forge an identity that is true to your DNA and your business objectives.


What is a visual identity?

Having a unique identity can be invented and reinvented. But it cannot be improvised. The image of a company is defined through all the communication supports mentioned in the graphic charter. Its creation comes naturally after the construction of a perennial commercial and communication strategy, defining the typical profiles of the consumers of the product or services of the company.

All the work of the Graphic Design Studio is based on thestudy of the currentimage of its client and the definition of a new identity more in phase with its evolution. A visual identity is created by a graphic coherence between all the printed and digital communication supports. When you look at the ODG KOM Studio website, (link to the home page of the site) it is easy to guess the graphic charter of the company. The colors and the typography are declined on all the pages of the site and it is the same on all the other supports.

A distinctive identity that stands out from the crowd

How do you create an impactful identity?

As you can see, beyond making a good impression, the ultimate challenge is to anchor the brand in the consumer's memory. Depending on the sector, this isn't always easy, as some industries have become accustomed to adopting fairly standardized graphic codes, out of a sense of security. Take body care, for example, where beauty salons display soft colors and rounded shapes, ying-yang motifs and lotus flowers. If the type of service is immediately identifiable, potential customers will have a hard time remembering who's who. That's the challenge facing the graphic design studio: to stay within the clearly identifiable codes of the client's field, while creating an identity that sets it apart from the competition. So, how do you go about it?

To be listened to and understood by your graphic service provider

Let your communications agency know who you are: they're just waiting to hear from you! At ODG KOM studioour strategy is to devote a large part of our time to listening to our customers, before we begin the creative process. This work of defining identity is almost like profiling, as it sometimes involves putting into words the desires and personality unconsciously expressed by the company. We work on archetypes, associations of ideas and tonalities to define shapes, colors, typography and motifs that speak to our subconscious. They will represent the brand's values.

These choices can be applied to both paper and web media. Internet is the first purchase vector for many brands and many have understood this. That's why for the past decade, photography has been at the heart of social networks and must be rigorously coherent with all the other visuals. To go even further, your identity must also be transmitted through your emails, through pictograms or the logo, and also through the tone and the chosen speech. But that's another story, which ODG KOM Studio explains in the article on the graphic charter.